This is a project I worked on for the Into the Blue Design Studio. As a studio we have created plastic-free Isle of Wight Trivia Crackers to share with clients and local businesses this year. I began by illustrating the outline of the Island that I come from and ended up illustrating the rest of the contents of the product itself from the board, to the figurines, to the box. I really enjoyed watching this come to life as I continued to draw my way through the board and then onto the rest of elements of this product.
Our aim was to get rid of the Disillusion of mass-produced crackers full of plastic ‘tat’ I wanted to create a sustainable alternative with a keepsake board game that can be played over and over. Using our local knowledge of the island, we as an agency created six mini trivia games within the trivia deck for both locals and holiday-makers. 
The result - a premium set of 6 crackers complete with a fun trivia board game. All made from 100% recyclable materials.

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